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SHJ Issue 16
Spring 2017

The Book You’re Reading Now Has All Our Names in It

by Lynn Marie Houston

That October Saturday
we didn’t get up until afternoon,
I lay next to you, the sound of your keen
heart beating, the faint scent of coconut
on your skin in Central Pennsylvania’s fall.

You woke, propped a pillow behind your head,
and said, There’s nothing better than finding
that perfect position for reading in bed.

I remember you like this: reclined,
smiling, a book in hand, awake.


SHJ Issue 16
Spring 2017

Lynn Marie Houston

holds a Ph.D. from Arizona State and an MFA from Southern Connecticut State University. The editor-in-chief of Five Oaks Press, she is also the author of three poetry collections: The Clever Dream of Man (Aldrich Press), The Mauled Keeper (forthcoming, Main Street Rag Publishing Company), and Chatterbox (forthcoming, Word Poetry Books).

Please visit her website for updates:

“...we have been born here to witness and celebrate. We wonder at our purpose for living. Our purpose
is to perceive the fantastic. Why have a universe if there is no audience?” — Ray Bradbury