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Featured Author
SHJ Issue 16
Spring 2017

The Fifth Eye: A Collection of Fiction and Creative Nonfiction

by Roisin McLean

The twofold nature of hermaphrodites; a Marine’s ‘piercing’ attempt to cope with PTSD; the anticipated destruction Hurricane Sandy will bring to America’s east coast; the leftover life that breast cancer creates for an afflicted woman trying to cope with an uncertain future; the confusing mystifications of love versus simple desire—are but a few compelling subjects found in Roisin McLean’s The Fifth Eye, an illuminating story collection displaying a dazzling, virtuoso style of writing full of unique images and observations that are at times not only gorgeously humorous but also ironically crushing.

—Duff Brenna, award-winning author of six novels
and Founding Editor of Serving House Journal



Serving House Books
(December 2016)

Cover of The Fifth Eye, by Roisin McLean

From the publisher’s description: “...[The Fifth Eye] is not a linked story collection, yet some settings, subjects, phrases, styles, and themes weave throughout the collection, bringing to each stand-alone story a broad resonance and perspective.”

• Read one of the stories from The Fifth Eye here in SHJ:16: Piercings.

Book details are available on our Bookshelf.

• Learn more about the author in her personal essay, Beyond Words, Worlds, and Pampers (2017), in Series 2 of “Writers on the Job,” Web del Sol.

• Entries for McLean’s work from SHJ’s Index of Authors:

Title of Work   Genre Issue
Dying to Dream   Flash Fiction 8
Fisher of Herms   Short Story 10
Fitted Blouse, Silk   Short Story 5
Piercings   Short Story 16
The “Sandie Five”   CNF 9
White Chin Hair and a Lonely Female Cardinal   Essay 7

“...we have been born here to witness and celebrate. We wonder at our purpose for living. Our purpose
is to perceive the fantastic. Why have a universe if there is no audience?” — Ray Bradbury