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SHJ Issue 17
Fall 2017

The Goat Fish and the Lover’s Knot

by Jack Driscoll

Like all Driscoll’s stories, the ones in this brilliant new collection beg to be read aloud. This is one of the highest compliments I can pay to a work of prose—that its language is so rich, its rhythms so musical, its voice so dense that it deserves to be savored, word for word, like poetry. It is no surprise that Driscoll knows how to make words sing. He started his literary career as a poet, and several of his 11 books are collections of poetry...

—Sharon Harrigan from her review in
The Nervous Breakdown (21 June 2017)



Wayne State Univ.
(April 2017)

Cover of The Goat Fish and the Lover’s Knot, by Jack Driscoll


• Read the title story here in SHJ:17.

• Read Duff Brenna’s review here in SHJ:17.

Book details are available on our Bookshelf.

• See also Duff Brenna’s interview from 4 February 2011, A Conversation With Award-Winning Poet/Novelist Jack Driscoll, in Contemporary World Literature.

• Driscoll’s short story Prowlers appears in SHJ:2 (Fall 2010), and in his collection of stories, The World of a Few Minutes Ago (2012).


There’s a beauty here, both in language and in content, and Driscoll is the master of capturing a delicate humanity where most people might be least likely to look. It is no accident that this collection [The Goat Fish and the Lover’s Knot] ends with a story about miracles, and the arc of this book as a collection is beautiful and deliberate.

— Natalie Bakopoulos, author of The Green Shore,
in Fiction Writers Review (22 May 2017)


“...we have been born here to witness and celebrate. We wonder at our purpose for living. Our purpose
is to perceive the fantastic. Why have a universe if there is no audience?” — Ray Bradbury