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SHJ Issue 18
Spring 2018

[Three Haiku]

by Deborah P. Kolodji

tricolored heron
on the wrong coast
my cousin’s politics

	the miles ahead
	the miles behind
	Route 66
		in a milkweed leaf
		our daughter’s wings

—Previously published in the San Diego Poetry Annual 2017-18 (Garden Oak Press, in association with the San Diego Entertainment & Arts Guild [SDEAG]; February 2018); haiku appear here with permissions from the poet and the publisher.

[Webmaster’s Note: Especially for those who believe the “urban legend” that haiku must follow the 5-7-5 syllabic structure and that anything written in that form is automatically haiku, be sure to check out Silver Blade’s Interview With Deborah P. Kolodji. In this informative and intriguing interview, she also discusses speculative haiku, a new-to-me subgenre.]


SHJ Issue 18
Spring 2018

Deborah P. Kolodji

is the author of highway of sleeping towns: haiku and senryu (Shabda Press), winner of Touchstone Distinguished Books Award for 2016. With over 900 published poems to her name, including haiku in Rattle and four chapbooks of poetry—Seaside Moon (2005), Red Planet Dust (2006), unfinished book (2006), and Symphony of the Universe (2006)—she finds ongoing inspiration in the beaches, mountains, deserts, and urban life of Los Angeles County.

Former president of the Science Fiction Poetry Association, Kolodji holds a degree in mathematics from the University of Southern California. She also moderates the Southern California Haiku Study Group, serves as the California Regional Coordinator for the Haiku Society of America, and is a member of Haiku San Diego and the Board of Directors of Haiku North America.

“...we have been born here to witness and celebrate. We wonder at our purpose for living. Our purpose
is to perceive the fantastic. Why have a universe if there is no audience?” — Ray Bradbury