Serving House: A Journal of Literary Arts
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Editor’s Note: Issue 3

Serving House Journal will continue to publish what we deem to be the strongest, most memorable poems that are submitted to us. In addition, for the next issue, we are soliciting “American sentences.” Those are 17-syllable sentences that have the luminous and epiphanic charm of poetry. They are a sort of American haiku or perhaps, more accurately, American lowku. Any 17-syllable sentence that is worth reading and rereading, worth saving and savoring and showing to friends, is an American sentence we’re after.

Here’s one by Nina Garin: “Pulling tissues from a box, the baby builds an igloo on her head.” How nicely seen and how silly and likeable!

Here’s one by Terry Hertzler who has two poems in this issue: “The phone, coiled like an ancient serpent, whispers vague threats and promises.”

Here’s one by Will Boland: “White Cessna and seagull cross in a sky unconcerned with birds or me.”

And here’s one by Malika Fusco: “At their raucous meeting, the pacifists start fighting among themselves.”

In the next issue we hope to publish at least thirty such delicious American sentences. If you come up with any great ones, send them to us! But please limit your submissions of such to your best six.

—Steve Kowit, Poetry Editor

“...we have been born here to witness and celebrate. We wonder at our purpose for living. Our purpose
is to perceive the fantastic. Why have a universe if there is no audience?” — Ray Bradbury